Excerpted from lectures given by David Hudson in the 1990's
So what we found out is that the definition of a superconductor is that it does not allow any voltage potential or any magnetic field to exist inside the sample. So by definition a superconductor will not allow any voltage potential to exist inside the sample. To get electricity off of a wire requires voltage and to get electricity back on the wire requires a voltage. So it cannot receive electricity from a wire, it cannot receive the energy of the superconductor back on the wire without voltage.
So now I know your question is "so what the heck good is this stuff?" If you can't get energy into it and you can't get energy back out of it, what the heck good is it? Well what you come to find out is that in the superconductor there is a single frequency of light, just like a laser, that is flowing perpetually inside the superconductor. And when it flows inside the superconductor it produces around it what is called a Meissner field which is unique to superconductors.
A Meissner field excludes all external magnetic fields from the sample. What color must it be? It has to be white. Anything that excludes all light from the sample has to be white. Anything that absorbs all light has to be black. If it reflects all light it has to be white; now I'm talking about a pure single element superconductor. It has to be white when it is superconducting.
What you have to do is you have to take a radio frequency transmitter and you have to resonance frequency tune the superconductor to match the frequency of the wire. [More likely tune the wire to match the superconductor]. So the wire now is oscillation with its electron waves exactly the same as the superconductor. At that point the electronic pair can go on the superconductor with no push at all. Because electrons are continually moving over here on the wire and they are seeking the path of least resistance. And so when you have them in perfect synchronization with the superconductor they go on with no push at all as pairs.
Now this takes a little explaining because one spin one half electron plus one spin one half electron are two particles. Yet when these two particles become perfectly paired as mirror images of each other they lose all particle aspects and they become nothing but pure light. This doesn't make sense either, does it? But that's the way it is. Spin one half plus spin one half gives you spin one which now is pure light. Trust me it is so. So they can't go on as individual electrons, they go on as light.
Now the crazy thing about electrons is that one electron can exist in one space time and if it moves to another space time it gives off light or absorbs light. It's moving from one space time to another. Now we have light, which is two electrons. Light doesn't exist in any space time. You can put 50 billion lights all in the same space time and it is OK.
Now we don't have a conductor. A conductor you put electricity on the wire, you got to take the electricity off or it won't flow. You've got to ground it, right? With a super conductor it's not. It can go on and go on and go on and go on...and it doesn't have to come off. Now if you want to take it off you have to put a wire next to it and you have to resonance frequency tune the wire to match the superconductor. And when it's in perfect harmony you apply a voltage and poof off goes the energy.
So if you literally can make a superconductor that stretches from Portland to New York City and you put energy on over here for two or three or four days. You don't have to take it off over there. It's ok you can keep putting it in. And when they want it in New York they can resonance frequency tune the wire, apply voltage and suck it out. It gets a free ride from Portland all the way to New York. On this quantam wave of the superconductor, as light not electricity.
How do you measure it if it has no voltage in it? How is it possible to get a machine that can measure this light? And guess what, it can't be done. Cause every piece of instrumentation man has ever figured out always uses a differential it must reflect and yet a superconductor has no voltage. You literally start the superconductor flowing by applying a magnetic field. It responds to the magnetic field by flowing light inside of it and building a bigger Meissner field around it.
You can put your magnet down and walk away. You come back a hundred years later and it is still flowing exactly the same as when you left. It doesn't ever slow down. It excludes, not 99.9999, it excludes 100.000000 of all external magnetic fields. There is absolutely no resistance in the sample; it is perpetual motion. It runs for ever and ever and ever and ever