Monday, July 13, 2009

Quantum Physics + White Gold Powder = Health

By Ellis Peterson


The Age of Aquarius has given us several very powerful gifts. The Laws of Quantum Physics, the Internet and White Gold Powder.

The use of this substance for long life, rejuvenation and health goes back past the Age of the Pharaohs in ancient Egypt.

The Laws of Quantum Physics go back to the beginning of time; to the time of Creation. These laws are about creation.. It is just now in the Age of Aquarius that it has been presented to us in a scientific and spiritual language we can understand.

They tell us that there exists an infinite Ocean of Thinking, Intelligent Energy called the Quantum Ocean. It is the Mind of God where all Creation takes place.

In the Quantum Ocean there is no time, no past, present nor future. There is only the Now. There is no Space, no breadth, height or width. There is only the point called HERE.

All Reality, Universes, Solar Systems, Planets, and you and I exist in this infinite point called the HERE-NOW.

Everything that ever was, is or will be exists in the that infinite point. They have always existed. The Laws of Quantum Physics have always existed. White Gold Powder has always existed.

There is a Divine timing plan built into it that causes people, places and events to 'blink out' and 'blink back in.'

A 'blinking out' is a movement from the not yet manifested intelligent energy of the Quantum Ocean into the manifested Reality of our known Universe.

Both are contained simultaneously within the infinite Dot of the HERE-NOW (Mind of God).

When you and I 'blink out' we start a new incarnation, a new journey, a new adventure. When you and I 'blink in' we separate from the Physical Reality, shed our physical body and re-enter the ocean, which we never left in the first place.

The Laws of Quantum Physics 'blink out' and 'blink in' on some divine timing schedule. We also 'blink out' at an exact time according to this Divine Blueprint.

The concept for these laws 'blinked out' again in the early years of the 20Th Century. It was the re-discovery of White Gold Powder in the 1970's on a ranch in Arizona. David Hudson was the recipient of the formula for the rediscovery of this substance.

The ancients believed this substance would facilitate extraordinary life-spans, and cure many diseases by allowing the body to operate as close to perfection as possible.

Now we can combine the Laws with the Powder and start to resuscitate and heal our physical body as well as raise our levels of Consciousness.

This gold powder of David Hudson is sold in 1oz. dropper bottles. You can look it up on the Net. You can also research it thoroughly by typing in David Hudson. You do not have to ingest it to receive it's healing, rejuvenating, spiritual consciousness raising effect.

Simply tightly hold the closed bottle in your left hand. Do this while you are relaxed and sitting comfortably. After 5 to 10 minutes you will feel a warmth in your left palm. Also a throbbing that will be in tune with your heartbeat. Your left palm will throb and you will hear this beat in your inner ear. What is happening is that the energy which is not limited to the liquid in the bottle is entering your blood stream.

The power of the powder exists in the Quantum Ocean and will manifest itself wherever the little bottle of David Hudson's liquid exists. It will radiate from the bottle. By just holding the bottle in your left hand the healing vibrations will enter you.

The throbbing you will feel, will be the blood pumping out of your heat down your left side, arm and hand. This blood will pick up the healing vibrations and circulate it throughout your body.

The Laws of Resonant Frequencies is also a gift. It connects the energies between the energies of the White Gold Powder in the Quantum Ocean and the powder in the bottle.

The Law of Three tells us that wherever you put two energies together a third energy is formed which is the the "Relationship" between the first two.

Energy One is the white substance.. Energy Two is the blood flowing through your left hand. Energy Three is the passing on the energy into the blood stream.

The Age of Aquarius is going to show us how to heal ourselves. All is energy and it is energy that heals.

I like to include the power of my mind into all my rituals. I intone and breath deeply. This way the intoned words are carried into the lungs with the breath then into the blood stream and finally into every cell of my body. This enhances the energy of the gold powder.

I intone "I am inhaling the energy of the White Gold Powder into every cell of my body."